What does a typical visit look like?
A typical online study involves a one-time commitment, usually no longer than 30 minutes. A typical in-person study involves a one-time visit to UBC’s Vancouver campus and takes about 30 minutes. To learn more about a typical visit, please visit the EDRG website.
How can I sign up for studies?
If you’re interested in signing up for studies, please visit the EDRG website and fill out a quick form.
Where is the Baby Learning Lab located?
We are located on the UBC Vancouver’s campus. If you are visiting for a study please follow the following links for driving and transit directions.
What is fNIRS?
Near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a brain-imaging technology that gives us a peek at the infant brain. It shines light onto a baby’s head and the reflection of the light tells us about which parts of the brain are working as an infant is listening, looking, or learning about the world around them! Unlike other methods of measuring neural activity that require subjects to remain still (e.g., fMRI), NIRS can be used while young children are sitting upright and moving freely. The cap that infants wear is lightweight and comfortable. They often don’t even notice that it’s there! This technique is FDA-approved and involves less exposure to near-infrared light than walking from the car to a building on a sunny day.
What is the Baby Learning Lab doing in response to COVID?
In accordance with UBC Vancouver’s COVID response, we are slowly opening the lab back up for faculty, students and staff. Some studies will continue to take place online, while we will slowly be incorporating more studies in person. If a study is in person, all participants will be masked and social distancing will be maintained throughout the study.